College News

Chinese concert wows audience

10.18.2010Arts & EntertainmentCollege & CommunitySpecial Events

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Chinese concert wows audience

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The Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center filled Sunday with beautiful and evocative music from China as Central Carolina Community College�s Confucius Classroom hosted the March Rain Ensemble of Nanjing Normal University�s College of Music. The ensemble performed on traditional Chinese instruments, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Performing were (from left) Dingchen Xu, on the dizi, a flute; Ziyin Wu, on the erhu, a violin-type instrument; Siting Wang, on the yangqing, a hammered dulcimer; Qi Bao, on the lute-like pipa; and Jingyu Wu, on the zither-like guzheng. The ensemble received a standing ovation from the audience. The event was made possible by the college�s partnership with North Carolina State University�s Confucius Classroom.

Chinese concert wows audience

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The March Rain Ensemble of Nanjing Normal University�s College of Music.

Chinese concert wows audience

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Sanford resident Nancy Pickard (seated) tries out the Chinese pipa, a lute-like instrument, under the tutelage of musician Qi Bao, following a Sunday performance of Chinese music at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. Bao and four other undergraduate music students from Nanjing Normal University�s College of Music played a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs on traditional Chinese instruments. Their appearance in Sanford was hosted by Central Carolina Community College�s Confucius Classroom, in partnership with the Confucius Institute at North Carolina State University.  Following the performance, the audience was invited onstage to see the instruments and speak with the musicians.

Chinese concert wows audience

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The Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center filled with beautiful and evocative music from China as Central Carolina Community College�s Confucius Classroom hosted the five-member March Rain Ensemble of Nanjing Normal University�s College of Music. The ensemble performed on traditional Chinese instruments, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Among those performing were (from left) Ziyin Wu, on the erhu, a violin-type instrument, and Siting Wang, on the yangqing, a hammered dulcimer.  The ensemble received a standing ovation from the audience. The event was made possible by the college�s partnership with North Carolina State University�s Confucius Classroom.

Chinese concert wows audience

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The Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center filled with beautiful and evocative music from China as Central Carolina Community College�s Confucius Classroom hosted the five-member March Rain Ensemble of Nanjing Normal University�s College of Music. The ensemble performed on traditional Chinese instruments, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Among those performing were (from left) Qi Bao, on the lute-like pipa, and Jingyu Wu, on the zither-like guzheng. The ensemble received a standing ovation from the audience. The event was made possible by the college�s partnership with North Carolina State University�s Confucius Classroom.

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