College News

�Blood Done Sign My Name� a 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month presentation

02.18.2011Arts & EntertainmentCollege & CommunitySpecial Events

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 �Blood Done Sign My Name� a 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month presentation

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Actor and playwright Mike Wiley (left) and singer Rozlyn Sorrell respond to audience questions about Wiley�s one-man play, �Blood Done Sign My Name,� after his performance Thursday at Central Carolina Community College�s Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. The college sponsored the play as one of its Black History Month events. Sorrell sang spirituals during the performance. Wiley created the play from Timothy Tyson�s autobiographical book about the murder of an African-American man in the town of Oxford in 1970. Wiley encouraged the audience to learn their community and family histories and find heroes in them.

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