


10.22.2018•艺术 & 娱乐,大学 & 社区、学院及一般

桑福德——一个热闹的夜晚, interactive entertainment from halfway around the world began not with the most refined art from a culture millennia old, 而是一种叫做“五彩中国”的简单民间舞蹈."

明亮的舞者, ornate costumes spun around the stage with what looked like unusually long sleeves floating through the wind while an audience of several hundred at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 10月会议中心. 15 appeared captivated by the artists from South-Central University for Nationalities.

Billed simply as "an exhibition of Chinese cultural arts,“免费的, 90-minute performance was arranged through the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Confucius Classroom, a partnership with North Carolina State University's Confucius Institute. The Institute works with the Chinese education ministry to promote an understanding and appreciation of Chinese language and culture.

武汉艺术家, a sprawling metropolitan region about a nine-hour drive west of Shanghai, 正在进行为期两周的美国之旅, N .登台.C. State's Stewart Theatre and other venues in 纽约, Wisconsin, Georgia, 维吉尼亚州 and Washington, D.C. The group has toured over the last five years in countries across Europe and Asia.

Beginning the show with a folk dance was no accident. 彭日成Jianhua, Dean of International Education College and director of the troupe, said through a translator that 中国 is a melting pot, 就像美国一样. What his troupe wanted to highlight during this tour was not 中国's best-known culture, 喜欢京剧, but unique contributions made by some of the 56 ethnic groups comprising the world's most populated country.

After the opening folk dance, about a dozen more performances took the stage. 其中许多是集体舞蹈, but the mix also included several solo presentations of music, 面对改变, 还有武术.

The first instrumentalist filled the civic center with sounds from Mongolian culture on the morin khuur, 一种乐器,也被称为马头小提琴. With the sound box held between his legs and a bow in his right hand, musician Zhang Zhuo flung his fingers up and down the neck of his fiddle, pulling a wide range of frenzied notes out of just two strings.

观众稍后才参与进来, after Zhao Zan gave a traditional martial arts performance with elegant jumps and fighting techniques set to music. House lights went up and one of the masters of ceremonies asked for volunteers. After some initial hesitation, about a dozen locals stepped on stage. 他们学会了敬礼和一些基本出拳动作, 主要是看武术家表演, but also with the help of some narration by Professor Yuehan Ma, 推荐正规买球平台孔子课堂讲师.

Professor Ma must have been encouraged by such a happy group. 演出前一个多星期, 她讨论了为什么这类事件很重要, 语言将不同文化的人联系在一起, 但艺术使他们更接近.

The evening's finale was introduced as "Tibetan Guozhuang Dance,在节日期间经常表演的圆圈舞. And by this time, even more in the audience were ready to get involved. When the request for volunteers came, people immediately rushed forward. 所有种族. 所有年龄. 各行各业. 他们手拉手,, 跟随中国表演者的脚步, 绕圈跳舞, occasionally walking together toward the center of the circle and then back out again.

It was a final celebration that united neighbors with each other, and people from the Central Carolina area with their new friends from Wuhan. Even after the curtain call, many gathered on stage in small groups to exchange photos and hugs. 在那一刻, 正如马教授所预测的那样, 语言和文化障碍似乎并不重要, 艺术拉近了人与人之间的距离.

For more information on 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, visit the college website at www.预备.edu.


Performers from South-Central University for Nationalities present "Huayao Dance" in a style common among the Dai ethnic group in 中国's Yunnan Province.


花瑶舞的动作, performed by Chinese artists visiting 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 不仅是美丽和优雅吗, but meant to convey a sense of internal firmness and national strength.


Members of the audience went onstage to try some basic martial arts techniques led by Zhao Zan from the South-Central University for Nationalities during a cultural performance in Sanford.


Dancers perform "Stone Man and Swan" during a free Chinese cultural program at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 会议中心. The dance is based on a legend from 中国's Kazakh ethnic group and expresses a longing for free and enthusiastic life.


Among the musical performances during the celebration of Chinese culture and arts at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 was a solo on pipa, 一个很受欢迎的, four-stringed instrument played in 中国 for more than 2,000年.


High flying leaps dazzled local audiences during a Tibetan group dance performed by artists from 中国's South-Central University for Nationalities on their two-week United States tour.


“五彩缤纷的中国," a folk dance that opened the cultural exhibition at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, focused on some of the 56 ethnic groups that comprise the world's most populated country.


Zhao Zan from South-Central University for Nationalities in Wuhan, 中国, performs martial arts set to music during a cultural exhibition at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Dancers from South-Central University for Nationalities visited Sanford and Raleigh in mid-October during a two-week tour that included stops in Georgia, 维吉尼亚州, 纽约, 威斯康星州和华盛顿州, D.C.


《我在茶的故乡等你,这是中国土家族的一首民歌, was one of the musical performances by visiting Chinese artists during a cultural exhibition presented by the Confucius Classroom at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院.