


11.20.2009•艺术 & 娱乐,大学 & 社区

SANFORD – The language of art bridged the communication barrier between Chinese artists and those attending 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Chinese Art Exhibition Thursday. 

Visitors admired the delicate but powerful images of nature captured in the paintings and the beauty of the calligraphic works.

“这些作品是不同的, 美丽的,Geri Guwang说, 卡罗莱纳小径, one of several hundred area residents who came to enjoy both the art and the artists. “我希望这些画还在. 我想带一些回家.”

The one-day exhibition at the McSwain Center featured traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy by faculty of the College of Fine Arts of Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China. 11月展出. 18 at North Carolina State University through the university’s Confucius Institute. The Institute is a center for the teaching of Chinese Mandarin language and culture in cooperation with Nanjing Normal University and Han Ban, the People’s Republic of China’s National Office of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. It also arranges intercultural events between China and the North Carolina, 比如艺术展.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 brought the exhibition to Sanford through its partnership with NCSU’s Confucius Institute. The college has started a Confucius Classroom under the aegis of the Institute, to bring Chinese language instruction and cultural exchanges to its service area of Chatham, 哈内特和李县.

大多数艺术家不会说英语, 但是车树亚教授, 孔子学院孔子课堂, 戴广林, 他是NCSU孔子学院的项目经理, 为他们翻译.

“我们是两个不同的国家, 但我们可以走到一起,相互理解,李向伟教授说, 南京师范大学美术学院院长. “北卡罗来纳州的人民给人一种美好的感觉. 风景很美,人们很友好. I hope some people from America will come and learn about China so we can be mutually benefited.”

戴向参观者介绍了中国书法的各种风格, which is the writing of poetry and sayings in artistically drawn Chinese characters. 她用展览中的作品来说明它们. 王继安、常汉平教授, 用墨和毛笔在宣纸上作画, 展示不同的风格.

Visitors were also impressed to learn that many of the paintings were inspired by the teachings of Confucius or poetry. 一首诗的开头词可以作为一幅画的标题. Traditional Chinese art writes the poetry or saying as part of the painting, 所以艺术家也是书法家. NNU Associate Professor Mi Lu delighted and impressed visitors with her Chinese folk art, 包括打结, 类似于戏剧表演, 还有精细的剪子艺术.

The artists gifted several works to the college in appreciation for hosting the exhibition and the friendship shared. Professor Yue-zi Lu created a brush painting of autumn leaves and blue birds while visitors watched, 然后把它交给了大学校长巴德·马尚特. 

“谢谢你,”马尚回答说. “这太棒了。.”

Sarah Lawrence, of Sanford, was also among the many visitors to the exhibition.

 她说:“我很喜欢,太棒了。. “我特别喜欢(卢教授)为学校画的那幅画. He noticed the beauty of our area, the color in our woods and captured that. 看他这样做真是一件乐事.”


马尚特在活动结束时说:“我们参加的人很多. 艺术家们很高兴. 我们与世界其他地方的联系是如此重要. 这是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的一种做法. Today was a confirmation that people in our area are looking to connect with other parts of the world as we become a global society. I’m excited that we were able to bring not only a great cultural resource here but also an important economic development tool as companies look for areas with a global outlook.”


Chinese artist Yue-zi Lu (center) created a painting as a gift for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 during the Chinese Art Exhibition hosted by the college Thursday. He presented it to 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant (left) at the exhibition as Guanglin Dai (right), 北卡罗来纳州立大学孔子学院项目经理, 看起来在. Lu and four other faculty of the College of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China, showed their traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy during the exhibition at the McSwain Center in Sanford. The event was made possible by the partnership between 推荐正规买球平台’s Confucius Classroom and NCSU’s Confucius Institute, a center for the teaching of Mandarin Chinese and the sharing of Chinese culture.


Chinese calligraphic artist Ji-an Wang creates the word ‘peace’ in Chinese characters at the request of a visitor to the Chinese Art Exhibition hosted by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Thursday. Wang and four other faculty of the College of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China, showed and demonstrated  their traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy during the exhibition at the McSwain Center in Sanford. The event was made possible by the partnership between 推荐正规买球平台’s Confucius Classroom and North Carolina State University’s Confucius Institute, a center for the teaching of Mandarin Chinese and the sharing of Chinese culture.


Chinese artist Yue-zi Lu creates a painting of autumn leaves and birds as a gift for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 during the Chinese Art Exhibition hosted  by the college Thursday. Lu and four other faculty of the College of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China, showed and demonstrated their traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy during the exhibition at the McSwain Center in Sanford. The event was made possible by the partnership between 推荐正规买球平台’s Confucius Classroom and North Carolina State University’s Confucius Institute, a center for the teaching of Mandarin Chinese and the sharing of Chinese culture.


中国艺术家米卢创作结, 类似于戏剧表演, during the Chinese Art Exhibition hosted  by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Thursday. Lu and four other faculty of the College of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China, 展示和示范中国传统绘画, calligraphy and other art during the exhibition at the McSwain Center in Sanford. The event was made possible by the partnership between 推荐正规买球平台’s Confucius Classroom and North Carolina State University’s Confucius Institute, a center for the teaching of Mandarin Chinese and the sharing of Chinese culture. 陆的复杂的剪刀艺术作品,在桌子上,也在展出.


Professor Yue-zi Lu and four other faculty of the College of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University in the People’s Republic of China, exhibited their traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy Thursday at the McSwain Center in Sanford. Lu was one of five artists in the exhibition hosted  by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院. The event was made possible by the partnership between 推荐正规买球平台’s Confucius Classroom and North Carolina State University’s Confucius Institute, a center for the teaching of Mandarin Chinese and the sharing of Chinese culture.