

推荐正规买球平台 names nursing program for 路易丝L. 图尔

02.11.•管理,教员 & 员工,大学 & Community, College General, Foundation

SANFORD - The nursing profession was always close to the heart of 路易丝L. 图尔, who was both a businesswoman and a registered nurse during her lifetime. 现在, 在她死后32年, the Associate Degree Nursing program at Central Carolina Community College has been named the 路易丝L. 图尔护理学院.

The naming is in appreciation for a gift of more than $335,000 from the 路易丝L. 图尔的信任. This is the first time the college has named a program in recognition of a financial contribution.

College administrators and trustees, 中交会基金会理事, and members of the trust's board of directors gathered Feb. 10点在丹尼斯餐厅. Wicker Civic Center to announce the naming and to unveil the plaque for the 路易丝L. 图尔护理学院. The plaque will be mounted in Lett Hall where the Associate Degree Nursing program is located on the college's Lee County Campus.

"We thank the trust's board of directors for this very special gift," said 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant. "It will greatly benefit nursing education at Central Carolina Community College and benefit communities as the graduates of this program go out and serve."

In 2006, her trust established the 路易丝L. 图尔 Nurse Education Endowment at the college, to which it has contributed more than $75,000. 在12月, the trust board of directors voted to close the trust and donate the balance of more than $335,000 to the endowment to benefit the nursing education program and its students. The total of these donations constitute the largest private gift given to the college, to date.

"It's an honor to give these funds to Central Carolina Community College for its nursing program,哈利·米勒说。, 路易斯·L. 图尔的信任. “我认识太太。. 图尔 and it was her dream to honor nursing and help young people get an education to be nurses. 推荐正规买球平台 has a wonderful nursing program. A lot of people want to be nurses but can't afford the training. This gift will be to their benefit. I'm proud to have been part of it."

乔治Womble, president of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, said the gift comes at a strategic time, when there is a great demand for nurses.

"We will endeavor to use these funds in a way that you will find pleasing," he said to the 信托委员会成员s. "It will enhance the nursing program."

图尔, a Canadian by birth, lived in Bainbridge, N.Y.多年来,. She retired to Sanford, where she was an active member of St. 托马斯。 Episcopal Church and a volunteer at Lee County Hospital until she passed away in 1978.

"Louise would be so humbled by the college naming its nursing program for her," said Betty Jo Denton Vogel, a former fellow parishioner at St. 托马斯。. "This is absolutely wonderful. 我很怀念她. She was one of the most devout Christian women I knew."

The college's ADN program trains men and women to become registered nurses. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination required to work as a registered nurse. The program's graduates consistently score very high on the examination.

护理学院, current and prospective nursing students are extremely honored that the ADN program has been named in honor of 路易丝L. 图尔," said Rhonda Evans, chair of the college's Nursing Programs. “夫人. 图尔 dedicated her life to providing compassionate care during her nursing career. Her legacy will continue through this generosity and support of our program."

For more information about the college's ADN program, go online to www.预备.edu/curriculum/majors/nursing/assoc/. For more information on naming opportunities at the college, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, (919) 718-7231.

推荐正规买球平台 names nursing program for 路易丝L. 图尔

路易丝L. 图尔

推荐正规买球平台 names nursing program for 路易丝L. 图尔

Central Carolina Community College has named its Associate Degree Nursing program the '路易丝L. 图尔护理学院' in gratitude for a gift of more than $335,000 from the 路易丝L. 塔勒信托给学院. The gift has been placed in the 路易丝L. 图尔 Nurse Education Endowment at the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation to benefit nursing education. 路易斯·L. 图尔护理学院 plaque was unveiled Feb. 10点在丹尼斯餐厅. Wicker Civic Center during a joint college board of trustees-推荐正规买球平台 Foundation event with members of the trust's board of directors. Pictured (from left) are 乔治Womble, 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation president; Bobby Powell, board of trustees chairman; Rhonda Evans, Nursing Programs chair; college President Bud Marchant; and Harry Miller, 路易丝L. 塔勒信托董事长. 图尔 was a businesswoman and nurse in Bainbridge, N.Y., before retiring to Sanford, where she passed away in 1978.

推荐正规买球平台 names nursing program for 路易丝L. 图尔

Central Carolina Community College has named its Associate Degree Nursing program the '路易丝L. 图尔护理学院' in gratitude for a gift of more than $335,000 from the 路易丝L. 塔勒信托给学院. The gift has been placed in the 路易丝L. 图尔 Nurse Education Endowment at the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation to benefit nursing education. 路易斯·L. 图尔护理学院 plaque was unveiled Feb. 10点在丹尼斯餐厅. Wicker Civic Center during a joint college board of trustees-推荐正规买球平台 Foundation event with members of the trust's board of directors. Pictured (from left) are college President Bud Marchant; N.C. 代表. 老吉米·洛夫., a 信托委员会成员; 乔治Womble, 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation president; Rhonda Evans, Nursing Programs chair; Jon Matthews, college dean of University Transfer, 健康科学, and Developmental Studies; Harry Miller, trust board chairman; and Dick Hoyle, 信托委员会成员. Trust members Donna Miller and Margaret Wicker were unable to attend the unveiling.