

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

03.01.2010•艺术类 & 娱乐,大学 & 社区,特别活动,体育

利灵顿——特丽莎·布朗-汤姆林森, 传奇的北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校女子篮球强国, grabbed fans’ attention when she led the team to victories in the early 1980s.

2月. 23, she grabbed an audience’s attention again as she shared with 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 students her message that there is a champion inside each of them. She encouraged them to launch their own successful futures by right choices and right attitudes in the present.

Brown-Tomlinson, now assistant superintendent for programs at the N.C. Department of Correction's Harnett Correctional Institution, 在Lillington, was the Black History Month featured speaker at the college’s Harnett County Campus.

“我们生来就是要成功的,”她对与会者说. “我们每个人心中都有一个冠军. All it is waiting for is for you to develop and nourish it. You have what it takes to become what you are striving for. 永远不会太迟.”

Brown-Tomlinson illustrated her point with stories from her own life and those of people she knew, 比如迈克尔·乔丹, 她当时在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校. 

“He was always the first in the gym to practice and the last to leave,” she said. “He had a work ethic, commitment and was always dedicated.”

Brown-Tomlinson was born in New Bern but did most of her growing up in Raleigh. She was the oldest of five children of a pastor father and a mother who taught them standards, 责任, 和承诺. 

她长到6英尺高, 身高2英寸,喜欢篮球, 同时效力于加纳和桑德森高中. Several universities recruited her but she chose to go to UNC-CH because she felt she could help strengthen its women’s basketball program.

“I wanted to go to a place where I could make a difference,” she said.


Brown-Tomlinson, who still bears the nickname “Tree” given by her teammates, 从1980年到1984年在北卡罗来纳大学打球. She helped launch the university as a national women’s basketball powerhouse. 她被评为柯达全美明星, MVP of the Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament and was an All-ACC selection her senior year. She ranks third all-time at UNC in career field goal percentage (.547) and sixth in all-time scoring with 1,931 career points. She is among UNC’s top 10 in career scoring average, total rebounds, and blocked shots. In 1995, she became one of the first women's basketball athletes to have her jersey retired by the university. In 2008, she was selected as an ACC Women’s Basketball Tournament Legend.

After impressing her 推荐正规买球平台 audience with the mention of a few of the honors she has received, 布朗-汤姆林森是这么说的, 不管一个人取得了什么成就, 有一个好的态度是至关重要的.

“如果你不以正确的态度度过一生, 没人想尊重你,她对观众说. “So often we go through life thinking, ‘It’s all about me.’ While focused on that, we miss out on so many experiences that come our way.”

Brown-Tomlinson earned her degree in Recreation Administration in 1984. She then played professional basketball in Span and Italy for two years. 没有人长得像她, 没有人像她那样说话, but she chose to embrace the diversity and learn to appreciate the people, 他们的文化, 以及他们的生活经历. She encouraged her listeners to do the same with the variety of people they meet in their lives.

Brown-Tomlinson asked how many in her 推荐正规买球平台 audience were leaders and only a few hands went up. She then defined a leader as anyone who influences even one other person. When she asked how many leaders there were now, all hands went up.

“We need more leaders with integrity, with character and with right attitudes,” she said. She challenged them to live the three “Rs”: respect for self, 尊重他人, 对自己的行为负责. 她还敦促他们要有“b级态度”,,包括成为参与者, 是忠实的, 有热情, 通过支持他人, 是平易近人, 做个榜样.

莱蒂·洛莫吉利奥(Letty Lomogilio)是听到布朗·汤姆林森讲话的人之一, 春湖的故事, 哈奈特校区美容专业的学生. 

“听到她的演讲,我非常兴奋. ”Lomogilio说. “这鼓舞人心,令人印象深刻, particularly when she said stay on the course of your dreams, 要有纪律,但绝不, 永远不要放弃. 我的梦想是拥有多家沙龙. 这是我长久以来的目标. Now, I’m a 44-year-old grandmother and I’ve come back to school to start fulfilling that dream.”

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

Tresa Brown-Tomlinson, 传奇的北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校女子篮球强国

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

Tresa Brown-Tomlinson, Assistant Superintendent for Programs at Harnett Correctional Institution

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

Tresa Brown-Tomlinson, Assistant Superintendent for Programs at Harnett Correctional Institution and former University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill women’s basketball powerhouse (1980-84), 黑人历史月的特邀演讲者是2月. 23 at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Harnett County Campus. She used her basketball experiences to encourage the audience members to believe in themselves, 态度端正,回馈社区. Among the many honors she has received are having UNC retire her jersey in 1995 and being named an Atlantic Coast Conference Women’s Basketball Tournament Legend in 2008.

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

In 2008, the Atlantic Coast Conference named Tresa Brown-Tomlinson a Women’s Basketball Tournament Legend. That was one of many honors she has received over the years for her powerhouse playing at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill from 1980 to 1984. Brown-Tomlinson, now Assistant Superintendent for Programs at Harnett Correctional Institution, 黑人历史月的特邀演讲者是2月. 23 at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Harnett County Campus. She used her basketball experiences to encourage audience members to believe in themselves, 态度端正,回馈社区. 

Former UNC basketball champ speaks at 推荐正规买球平台 Black History Month

特丽莎·布朗-汤姆林森(中), Assistant Superintendent for Programs at Harnett Correctional Institution and former University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill women’s basketball powerhouse (1980-84), 黑人历史月的特邀演讲者是2月. 23 at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Harnett County Campus. Speaking with Brown-Tomlinson afterward were cosmetology students Kelvin Williams (left), 邓恩的, 还有莱蒂·洛莫吉利奥, 春湖的故事. Brown-Tomlinson used her basketball experiences to encourage the audience members to believe in themselves, 态度端正,回馈社区. Among the many honors she has received are having UNC retire her jersey (center) in 1995 and being named an Atlantic Coast Conference Women’s Basketball Tournament Legend in 2008.