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Chinese concert wows audience

10.18.2010 • Arts & Entertainment, College & Community, Special Events

 桑福德——丹尼斯A. 柳条市民中心周日作为南京师范大学音乐学院三月雨乐团演出.

这个五人乐团用中国传统乐器演奏, 以各种中国民歌和现代歌曲为观众带来欢乐, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. 音乐会结束时,观众起立为音乐家鼓掌.

“It was amazing,” said Roger Bailey, of Sanford. “I’m so glad I came.”

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院及其孔子课堂与北卡罗来纳州立大学孔子课堂和南京师范大学合作举办了此次活动. The ensemble had performed at N.C. State on Saturday.

The performers, all undergraduate students at the College of Music, were Dingchen Xu, on the dizi, a flute; Ziyin Wu, on the erhu, a violin-type instrument; Siting Wang, on the yangqing, a hammered dulcimer; Qi Bao, on the lute-like pipa; and Jingyu Wu, on the zither-like guzheng.

这些作品包括《正规买球app十佳排行》等作品,由整个合奏团演奏的令人难忘的曲目, to the rousing “Horse Racing,对节日期间赛马的音乐描述, performed on the erhu and yangqing.

As the musicians moved through their program, 每件作品的信息都被投射到一个大屏幕上,伴随着描绘音乐主题的精致而美丽的水彩画,增加了对作品的理解和享受.

Following the free concert, 观众被邀请到舞台上与音乐家交谈,并了解更多关于乐器的知识. Nancy Pickard, of Sanford, 利用这个机会,我不仅学到了更多关于琵琶的知识, 而是在音乐家齐宝的帮助下演奏.

“The concert was wonderful,” she said. “I would love to have more. 我很高兴学院有孔子课堂,能够给我们带来完全不同的体验.” 

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的孔子课堂是美国首个在社区学院设立的孔子课堂. 2008年,中国商会主席马尚德上任后提出了建立孔子课堂的想法.

“汉语是仅次于英语的第二大国际贸易语言,中国对北卡罗来纳州的经济日益重要,” he said. “我们的孔子课堂将帮助具备语言技能和文化理解能力的人们做好准备,以利用这些日益增长的联系, increase mutual understanding, help improve relations between our countries, and benefit businesses in both.”

In 2009, 北卡州立大学孔子学院与该学院合作,在该学院李县校区建立了孔子课堂. 该研究所是与南京师范大学和中国教育部合作建立的. Dr. Shuya Che, 南京师范大学中国语言学与文学副教授, 是孔子课堂学院的客座教授吗.

孔子,公元前6世纪伟大的中国思想家和社会哲学家.C.他教导说,教育和智慧是人生的基本原则. 中国教育部在许多国家的教育机构设立了孔子学院和孔子课堂,教授汉语普通话和中国文化.

这种外联促进了各种教育和文化交流, 如三月雨合奏和即将到来的11月11日. 吉首大学民族艺术团7日在学院演出. 门票是免费的,但必须提前预订,请致电(919)718-7268.

“我很高兴我们能把这样的表演带到中央卡罗莱纳社区学院和桑福德,” said Professor Xiaoying Wong, deputy director of NCSU’s Confucius Institute. “这是不同文化背景的人相互认识、欣赏和理解的好机会.”

有关中央卡罗来纳社区学院孔子课堂的更多信息, visit the college’s Web site, z8il.thebetterlife.net/confucius/.

Chinese concert wows audience

The Dennis A. 周日,美国中央卡罗莱纳社区学院孔子课堂举办了南京师范大学音乐学院三月雨合奏团,柳条市民中心充满了来自中国的美妙而令人回味的音乐. 这个合奏团用中国传统乐器演奏, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Performing were (from left) Dingchen Xu, on the dizi, a flute; Ziyin Wu, on the erhu, a violin-type instrument; Siting Wang, on the yangqing, a hammered dulcimer; Qi Bao, on the lute-like pipa; and Jingyu Wu, on the zither-like guzheng. 全体观众起立为他们鼓掌. 该学院与北卡罗莱纳州立大学孔子课堂合作举办了此次活动.

Chinese concert wows audience


Chinese concert wows audience

桑福德居民南希·皮卡德(坐着)在试弹中国琵琶, a lute-like instrument, under the tutelage of musician Qi Bao, 周日在丹尼斯a. Wicker Civic Center. 包和其他四名来自南京师范大学音乐学院的音乐系本科生用中国传统乐器演奏了各种各样的中国民歌和现代歌曲. 他们在桑福德的露面是由中央卡罗莱纳社区学院孔子课堂主持的, 与北卡罗莱纳州立大学孔子学院合作.  Following the performance, 观众被邀请上台观看乐器并与音乐家交谈.

Chinese concert wows audience

The Dennis A. 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院孔子课堂迎来了南京师范大学音乐学院“三月雨”五人合奏团. 这个合奏团用中国传统乐器演奏, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Among those performing were (from left) Ziyin Wu, on the erhu, a violin-type instrument, and Siting Wang, on the yangqing, a hammered dulcimer.  全体观众起立为他们鼓掌. 该学院与北卡罗莱纳州立大学孔子课堂合作举办了此次活动.

Chinese concert wows audience

The Dennis A. 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院孔子课堂迎来了南京师范大学音乐学院“三月雨”五人合奏团. 这个合奏团用中国传统乐器演奏, playing a variety of folk and modern Chinese songs, from lyrical tone poems to fast-paced works. Among those performing were (from left) Qi Bao, on the lute-like pipa, and Jingyu Wu, on the zither-like guzheng. 全体观众起立为他们鼓掌. 该学院与北卡罗莱纳州立大学孔子课堂合作举办了此次活动.