


11.16.2010年•大学 & 社区、设施/建筑物、特别活动

 SILER CITY - Western Chatham County has taken an educational leap forward with the completion of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's new Siler City Center. It is the first facility built in the western part of the county specifically for the college's educational programs.

这一期待已久的活动于11月11日举行. 15 with a ribbon cutting and open house at the facility, located in the Central Carolina Business Campus industrial park. Area residents; college, county and city leaders; and local state-level elected officials, 聚集在一起参加活动.

"We have been looking forward to this day for a long time," 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud 马尔尚 告诉大家 of almost 200. "We are extremely happy you could join us for the ribbon cutting for this spectacular building." 

The college's programs for western Chatham have been housed in the old Henry B. 银城的银学校,1984年成立. 莎莉的伤害, 县委员会主席, said that building a new Siler City Center for the college in the industrial park was a strong, strategic move to make the park more attractive to business and stimulate economic growth in western Chatham County.

"This wonderful building is another example of the county's commitment to the college in Chatham," she said referring to the recent openings of the Chatham County Library and the Sustainable Technologies Building at the college's 少不了 Campus.

Other speakers for the event were 银城市长查尔斯·约翰逊说, N.C. 森. 鲍勃·阿特沃特,纽约州.C. 众议院议长乔·哈克尼说, 推荐正规买球平台董事会主席Ed Garrison, and 推荐正规买球平台 Chatham County Basic Skills Coordinator Sara Lambert.

阿特沃特指出,县专员, 了解对设施的需求, committed more than $4 million for construction of the Center during the recession.

"It was bold of them," he said, "and the citizens of Chatham County will benefit. 我们正在寻找工作,这将吸引他们."

两层楼的, 23,800 square-foot Siler City Center is located on a 41-acre wooded site in the Business Campus. It is one of only a handful of North Carolina community college centers in an industrial park. The location offers the advantage of 劳动力培训 for companies that decide to move into the industrial park.

The new facility enables the college to expand 劳动力培训, 基本技能, 成人教育, 课程项目, 还有丰富课程 in western Chatham County in a major way. Sculpture classes will begin with the spring 2011 semester and university transfer and other programs will be added in the future.

The college has been offering 成人教育 classes at various locations 在银城 since 1965. From 1977 to 1984, it used the former Paul Braxton School and then moved to the former Henry B. 赛勒学校. Over the years, the need for 成人教育 and 劳动力培训 outgrew that school. The facility also was found to need major renovations for continued use.

而不是翻新, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners approved the construction of a new Center in the Business Campus. Ground was broken for it in November 2009 and construction was completed in October 2010.

The Center was designed by Taylor Hobbs of Hobbs Architects, 少不了, 由蒙蒂思建筑公司建造.他来自威尔明顿. Hobbs described the architectural design as "modern,由砖块的几何形状构成, 铝和玻璃.

它是节能的, with sustainable features such as the solar oriented site design, 最小的场地和栖息地干扰, 低流量水系统, 回收物料的使用, 室内空间自然采光, 以及反光屋顶材料. The building is expected to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Level - or higher - certification from the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会.

该中心的费用约为4美元.200万美元,另外1美元.4 million for equipment, design and engineering, and contingency. 里面有教室, 办公室, 学生中心, 计算机与课堂实验室, 职业/工业培训店, 一个书店, 以及其他服务.

 “这个新设施是梦想的实现, provides new opportunities and celebrates the future of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 银城和当地的劳动力,萨拉·兰伯特说, the college's Chatham County Basic Skills coordinator, 告诉大家. "Don't let the opportunities within this building pass you by. 我们在这里为您服务并与您一起成长."


Education, 政府 and community leaders and members gathered Monday, Nov. 15, for the ribbon cutting/open house for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s new Siler City Center in the Central Carolina Business Campus industrial park, 在银城. 剪彩是在前面, from left) Chatham Commissioner and 推荐正规买球平台 Trustee Carl Thompson, 推荐正规买球平台董事会主席Ed Garrison, 银城市长查尔斯·约翰逊说, 查塔姆委员会主席莎莉·科斯特, 中国建协会长马尚德(挥舞着剪刀), 推荐正规买球平台查塔姆基本技能协调员萨拉·兰伯特, and 推荐正规买球平台 Chatham Provost Karen Allen; and (back, 从左起)N.C. 森. 鲍勃·阿特沃特, 查塔姆委员会委员汤姆·范德贝克说, 建筑建筑师泰勒·霍布斯, 查塔姆事务专员乔治·卢西尔说, N.C. 众议院议长乔·哈克尼说 and Chatham Commissioner Mike Cross. 两层楼的, 23,800平方英尺的中心将提供基本技能, 成人教育, 劳动力培训, 课程, 还有丰富课程.


Education, 政府 and community leaders and members gathered Monday, Nov. 15, for the ribbon cutting/open house for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s new Siler City Center. It is first facility in the western part of Chatham County built specifically for the college. 两层楼的, 23,800 square-foot Center is located on a 41-acre wooded site in the Central Carolina Business Campus. It is one of only a handful of North Carolina community college centers in an industrial park. 该设施将提供基本技能, 成人教育, 劳动力培训, 课程, 还有丰富课程.


莎莉·科斯特(在讲台上), 查塔姆县委员会主席, 欢迎教育, 政府, 以及社区领袖和成员. 15 ribbon cutting/open house for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s new 23,800 square-foot Siler City Center in the Central Carolina Business Campus. The Center will enable the college to offer expanded 基本技能, 成人教育, 劳动力培训, 课程, 还有丰富课程 for residents of the western Chatham County area. In doing so, it is expected to promote economic development and job growth in that area. Pictured (from left) are speakers 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud 马尔尚, 银城市长查尔斯·约翰逊说, 推荐正规买球平台董事会主席Ed Garrison, 的伤害, N.C. 森. 鲍勃·阿特沃特,纽约州.C. 众议院议长乔·哈克尼说, and 推荐正规买球平台查塔姆基本技能协调员萨拉·兰伯特.


Dr. 巴德·马尚(在讲台上), 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院院长, 欢迎教育, 政府, 以及社区领袖和成员. 15 ribbon cutting/open house for the college’s new 23,800 square-foot Siler City Center in the Central Carolina Business Campus. The Center will enable the college to offer expanded 基本技能, 成人教育, 劳动力培训, 课程, 还有丰富课程 for residents of the western Chatham County area. In doing so, it is expected to promote economic development and job growth in that area. Pictured (from left) are 银城市长查尔斯·约翰逊说, 推荐正规买球平台董事会主席Ed Garrison, 查塔姆委员会主席莎莉·科斯特, 马尔尚, N.C. 森. 鲍勃·阿特沃特,纽约州.C. 众议院议长乔·哈克尼说, and 推荐正规买球平台查塔姆基本技能协调员萨拉·兰伯特.