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Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

11.19.2010 • Admin, Faculty & Staff, College & Community, Foundation, Students/Graduates

 SANFORD – Julio Borja, Central Carolina Community College student, 对着桌子对面那些资助他上大学的人微笑.

“It goes beyond the money,” he said. “It gives me somebody who believes in me and has hope in me.”

博尔哈是桑福德居民,是2010-11年度约翰·托马斯·达文波特奖学金的获得者. 这笔经济援助正在帮助他在学院获得大学转学学位. He plans to continue his education at a four-year institution.

At the table with Borja sat Tommy Davenport, son of John Thomas Davenport; Jean Davenport, Tommy’s wife; and Toni Davenport, the couple’s daughter. 10年前,这个家庭向中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会捐赠了一项奖学金,以纪念他们的父亲和祖父, a successful Sanford businessman, and to financially assist 推荐正规买球平台 students.


博尔哈和达文波特夫妇是11月11日聚集在一起的数百名奖学金捐赠者和接受者之一. 16 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民中心为基金会的年度奖学金午宴.

“午餐会为捐款人提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们,” said Diane Glover, Foundation executive director. “如果没有这种帮助,我们的大多数奖学金获得者都上不起大学. We are fortunate to have generous individuals, 我们社区的组织和企业愿意帮助他们.”

推荐正规买球平台基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, but independent of, the college. 它代表学院接受捐款和设备,并利用它们来促进学院的教育使命,并通过奖学金和助学金帮助学生. 该基金会目前管理的捐赠奖学金总额为2美元.8 million that provide about 120 scholarships each year.


“This luncheon, along with graduation, 这是我们大学里最喜庆最欢乐的场合之一吗,” he said. “我们感谢所有帮助我们的学生实现大学教育梦想的捐赠者.”


“我的家庭不能支持我上大学的梦想,”她平静地说. “我看到我妈妈报名上大学课程,但因为费用太高不得不放弃. 2008年夏天,我决定在推荐正规买球平台注册并申请奖学金.”

Busche在2008年和2009年获得了Harnett学生奖学金,以帮助她支付大学费用. Edward Taylor, 哈内特惩教所的木工教员, represented the donors at the luncheon.

布施说:“这项奖学金为我提供了做任何我想做的事情的机会. “Everything starts from here. 如果没有这笔奖学金,我就上不起大学. I’ve asked Mr. Taylor to change my life twice and he did.”


泰勒说,帮助年轻人负担得起教育费用是一件很快乐的事. 这项奖学金的资金来自于每年拍卖的家具和金属制品,这些家具和金属制品是由在HCI学习木工和焊接课程的学生制作的. 泰勒说,学生囚犯把奖学金看作是回报社会的一种方式.

Thomas Smith, of Moncure, 当过叉车操作员,后来摔断了腿,在轮椅上坐了九个月. He couldn’t return to his former position, so he decided to come to 推荐正规买球平台 to retrain for another career. 现在,他期待着8月份机械加工技术专业的毕业.

“I received the Cymbria and Raymond H. Amberger Scholarship to help me pay for my education,” he said. “It has meant a lot that somebody out there cares. I really appreciate it.”

Ralph Upton, Foundation vice president for Resource Development, 他告诉与会者,自近半个世纪前学院成立以来,对就业培训和再培训的需求从未像现在这样大. 他说,学院85%的学生和毕业生在查塔姆学院的服务区生活和工作, Harnett and Lee counties. 当奖学金捐赠者投资于学院的学生时,这是对他们社区的投资.

For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact Glover at the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net. 申请奖学金,请联系助学金办公室,电话:(919)718-7229.

 Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

Several hundred scholarship donors and recipients gathered Nov. 16 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, in Sanford, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴. 午餐会为捐助者提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们. 来自桑福德的护理专业学生Stephanie Oglesbee(左)收到了John E. and Eunice L. Dotterer Nursing Scholarship. 来自银城的护理系学生Robin Creason(中)获得了詹姆斯奖. B. Holt Nursing Scholarship named for Dr. James Holt (right), of Pittsboro. The children of J.W. 伊丽莎白·格洛森·托马斯以他的名字命名,以感谢他对他们父母的照顾. For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net .

 Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

Several hundred scholarship donors and recipients gathered Nov. 16 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, in Sanford, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴. 午餐会为捐助者提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们. The Davenport family, of Sanford, 来见他们以约翰·托马斯·达文波特的名义设立的奖学金获得者, a former Sanford businessman. Pictured are (front, from left) Toni Davenport, granddaughter of John Thomas; and university transfer student Julio Borja, of Sanford; (middle) Jean Davenport, daughter-in-law of John Thomas; and (back, from left) Tommy Davenport, son of John Thomas, and criminal justice student Diaundra Baldwin, of Sanford. For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net .

 Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

Several hundred scholarship donors and recipients gathered Nov. 16 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, in Sanford, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴. 午餐会为捐助者提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们. Marie C. 斯坦福大学的普罗菲奥(中)捐赠了两项奖学金:埃弗雷特T. Hickman Memorial, in memory of her first husband, and the Samuel C. Profio Memorial, in memory of her second husband. Office administration student Jasmine Corletto (left), of Sanford, 获得Profio奖学金的兽医医学技术学生Leah Hamilton(右), of Erwin, 获得了希克曼奖学金,帮助他们支付大学学费. For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net .

 Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

Several hundred scholarship donors and recipients gathered Nov. 16 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, in Sanford, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴. 午餐会为捐助者提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们. Edward Taylor (standing), 推荐正规买球平台 carpentry instructor at Harnett Correctional Institution, represented the donors of the Harnett Student Scholarship. Recipients of the scholarship were: (seated, from left) nursing student Crystal Thomas, of Mamers; university transfer student Lauren Busche, from Fuquay Varina; nursing student Jackie Beaston, of Coates, and nursing student Dana Wicker, of Broadway. For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net .

 Scholarship donors, recipients gather for 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation luncheon

Several hundred scholarship donors and recipients gathered Nov. 16 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, in Sanford, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴. 午餐会为捐助者提供了一个机会,使他们能够亲自了解他们所帮助的人,并使受助人能够亲自感谢他们. Jean McSwain (front, left), of Sanford, established the Joey McSwain Scholarship in memory of her son, a veterinary medical technology student who passed away in 1994. 今年的获奖者是来自Chatbourn的VMT学生Cassie Britt(前排右). 其他照片(后排左起)是来自弗吉尼亚州切斯特菲尔德的VMT学生伊丽莎白·哈尔德., recipient of the Alvin R. MacKay VMT, Eason VMT and Moore County Kennel Club scholarships; McSwain guest Patsy McBride; and Emily and Ken Eason, donors of the Eason VMT Scholarship. For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or dglover@thebetterlife.net .