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推荐正规买球平台 Chatham Campus hosts Activity Day

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Sapphire Devore, of Pittsboro, was among the Central Carolina Community College students who pitted their skills against the Bull Rider at the college's SGA Activity Day at the Chatham County Campus Oct. 2. The purpose of the annual afternoon of fun is to give students an opportunity to relax, build school spirit and friendships, and just enjoy being on campus. The Bull Rider was one of several activities enjoyed by the students. In addition to playing, students were served a free lunch in the Student Lounge. A scarecrow decorating contest was also part of the event. The winners were (pictured) 'Most School Spirit" by the SGA, a cowboy scarecrow sporting a college B.A.S.I.C.S. (Building All Skills In College Students) T-shirt, and 'Most Original,' by the drama students, a scarecrow dressed in black with wings.