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Memorial scholarship named for deceased 推荐正规买球平台 student

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Click to enlarge,  Dalanie Roe Webb

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Dalanie Roe Webb

Click to enlarge,  3月10日,达兰妮·罗·韦布的家人和朋友聚集在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,出示了一张25美元的支票,向大学校长巴德·马尚和推荐正规买球平台基金会执行董事黛安·格洛弗捐款,以建立戴兰妮·罗·韦伯牙科奖学金基金. Webb, a Mamers, N.C., resident, 在2009年8月的一场车祸中丧生时,她是一名中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的学生. 捐赠基金的资金是通过私人捐赠和社区成员和组织赞助的活动筹集的. Pictured with a mock-up of the check are (front, from left) Starr Webb and Sherrill Webb, parents of Dalanie Roe Webb, and Central Carolina C.C. President Bud Marchant holding the check; and (back, from left) Denny Woodruff, Hampton Inn-Sanford marketing director; Amber Dunigan, Central Carolina Jaycees treasurer; and SDR Foundation Vice President Paige McCauley and President Charles Walker. 照片中没有格洛弗和特别提款权基金会秘书兼司库丹尼尔·阿诺德. The scholarship will benefit students in the college’s dental assisting and dental hygiene programs. For more information about scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, (919) 718-7231 or Glover at .

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达兰妮·罗·韦伯的家人和朋友3月10日聚集在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  3月10日,达兰妮·罗·韦布的家人和朋友聚集在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,出示了一张25美元的支票,向大学校长巴德·马尚和推荐正规买球平台基金会执行董事黛安·格洛弗捐款,以建立戴兰妮·罗·韦伯牙科奖学金基金. Webb, a Mamers, N.C., resident, 在2009年8月的一场车祸中丧生时,她是一名中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的学生. 捐赠基金的资金是通过私人捐赠和社区成员和组织赞助的活动筹集的. Pictured with a mock-up of the check are (front) Dalanie’s nephew Carden Smith; (first row, from left) Dalanie’s sister Brandy Webb and daughter Macey Thomas; mother and father Starr and Sherrill Webb and 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant holding the check; and Paige McCauley, SDR Foundation vice president; (second row, from left) nephew Wyatt Holt with his father, Tony Holt; sister Sonya Holland; niece Brittney Holland; Amber Dunigan, Central Carolina Jaycees treasurer; Denny Woodruff, Hampton Inn-Sanford marketing director; and SDR Foundation President Charles Walker; and (third row, from left) brother-in-law Jerry Elliott; friend Karen Dill; sister Sherry Elliott; and brother James “Speedy” Webb. The scholarship will benefit students in the college’s dental assisting and dental hygiene programs. For more information about scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, (919) 718-7231 or Glover at .

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达兰妮·罗·韦伯的家人和朋友3月10日聚集在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 ... (more)

03.12.2010College GeneralFoundation

桑福德——在生活中,达兰妮·罗·韦伯是一个慷慨的人,想要帮助所有她能帮助的人. 由于社区的大力支持,她死后依然慷慨大方.

A car accident claimed Dalanie’s life on Aug. 9, 2009. She was only 20 years old. The Mamers, N.C. 这位居民于2007年以优异的成绩毕业于西部哈尼特高中. 她当时正在中央卡罗来纳社区学院位于李县和查塔姆县的校区上课,准备申请该学院的牙科课程. 她的梦想是成为一名牙科助理或牙科保健师.


On March 11, her family and friends, SDR Foundation, and the Central Carolina Jaycees presented a check for $25,中央卡罗来纳社区学院院长巴德·马钱特和推荐正规买球平台基金会执行董事黛安·格洛弗捐赠了达拉妮·罗·韦伯牙科奖学金. 捐赠的利息每年将为学院牙科专业的学生提供一个或多个奖学金.

“We have a number of students who are in financial need,” said Vicky Wesner, the college’s Dental Hygiene Program director. “我们的学生当然会感激达拉妮的家人为她创造的遗产. 她的家庭所产生的社区支持精神将不断提醒她, in sorrow, 人类的心可以激励和鼓舞其他需要帮助的人.”

Dalanie的母亲Starr Webb说,她的女儿会很高兴知道她在帮助别人.

她的母亲说:“她爱每一个人,并想尽可能帮助每一个人。. “当她拿到驾照时,她说她想成为一名器官捐献者.… We just never thought it would be so soon.”

她女儿的器官捐献给了其他人,让他们过上更充实的生活. 现在,这笔奖学金将帮助其他人在他们的职业领域实现戴兰妮的梦想.

After Dalanie’s death, 韦伯的家人请求社区帮助纪念她,并在中央卡罗莱纳大学提供奖学金.C. The response was immediate and impressive.

Three friends, Paige McCauley, Charles Walker and Daniel Arnold, 成立了特别提款权基金会,通过“桑福德加速赛”筹集资金.“SDR基金会与中卡罗莱纳杰基斯(Central Carolina Jaycees)合作,在丹尼斯A体育馆举办了这场热闹的活动. Wicker Civic Center in November 2009.

Dalanie would have loved it. 16个来自社区的男人自愿装扮成女人, including high heels, 并参加比赛,如“最佳腿”筹集资金. 这次活动加上赞助商的捐款,为基金会带来了近1.2万美元的捐款.

她的家人想设立奖学金,因为戴兰妮非常喜欢这所大学,” Walker said. “这有助于她的家人在这里永存,并帮助他们愈合.”

He added that, now that the SDR Foundation has been created, 朋友们计划继续为其他事业筹集资金. 2009年活动的视频将在桑福德的一个场地播放,让参赛者有机会看到表演,并激发对明年桑福德加速赛车筹款活动的兴趣. Through the SDR Foundation, Dalanie已经成为推动社区做更多好事的动力.

Denny Woodruff, marketing director at the Hampton Inn, in Sanford, is a friend of Dalanie’s sister, Brandy Webb. 他主动提出在鹌鹑岭高尔夫球场主持一场高尔夫锦标赛. The Nov. 6 tournament raised more than $8,000. 其余的捐赠资金来自私人捐赠.

“Everybody has been so wonderful, so helpful — it’s unbelievable,” said Sherrill Webb, Dalanie’s father. “It’s still tough to think about her not being here, but it’s nice to know there’s still a lot of good, caring people.”

Central Carolina C.C. 校长巴德·马尚特说,捐赠奖学金是家庭和社区纪念达兰妮的一种很好的方式.

他说:“看到家人和朋友团结在一起,这令人振奋。. “This scholarship will be there forever, 表彰Dalanie并帮助学生实现她自己的梦想.”

For more information about scholarships or endowments, contact the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7231 or Glover at 该基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, but independent of, the college. 它接受可免税的金钱和设备捐赠,并将其用于促进学院的教育使命,并通过奖学金和助学金帮助学生.