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Caterpillar's youth welding apprenticeship inducts 16

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Click to enlarge,  5月2日,卡特彼勒在李县工业园区的桑福德制造工厂为16名李县高中学生举行了焊接青年学徒计划. 为期两年的带薪学徒计划将培训学生从事焊接工作. The 2013 inductees (not in order) are Duncan Riddle IV, Sir William Shoop, Tristian Dennis, Ivan Vilchis, Adan Renteria-Lascano, Jesse Moore, Kayla Coleman, Cody Baker, Gage Chambley, Sean Stitt, and Jonathan Godfrey, all of Lee County High School; and Ellizon Torres, Brandon Donathan, Christopher Baker, Noel Martinez and Joseph Matthews, all of Southern Lee High School. 与入选者合照的是(左起)唐尼·奥尔德姆(托雷斯身后), chair of the Lee Economic Development Committee, and Dr. Andy Bryan, associate superintendent of Lee County Schools; and (from right) Brad Crace, Caterpillar-Sanford operations manager; Julie Ammons, Caterpillar-Sanford's Human Relations manager; and Dr. 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院院长巴德·马尚特说. 学徒制是由卡特彼勒公司(Caterpillar, Inc .)的合作伙伴开发的.-桑福德,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,李县学校和N.C. Department of Labor.

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卡特彼勒青年焊接学徒计划吸引了16名李县高中生 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Ellizon Torres (left), 5月2日,中国中建公司总裁Bud Marchant(右二)祝贺他加入卡特彼勒青年焊接学徒计划. Also congratulating Torres are Donnie Oldham (behind Torres), chair of the Lee Economic Development Committee; Dr. Andy Bryan, Associate Superintendent of Lee County Schools; and Martin Kegel, facility manager for Caterpillar-Sanford. 来自李县公立高中的16名学生被纳入该计划, which provides training for a career as a welder. The apprenticeship program is a collaboration of Caterpillar-桑福德,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,李县学校和N.C. Department of Labor.

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南李高中的埃利森·托雷斯(左)正在接受推荐正规买球平台会长巴德·马尚特的祝贺 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Mark West (center), Lee County High School assistant principal, 祝贺LCHS学生Jonathan Godfrey加入卡特彼勒青年焊接学徒计划. 南李高中校长邦尼·阿尔蒙德(左中)也向戈弗雷表示祝贺。, 和卡特彼勒桑福德制造工厂的运营经理Brad Crace(右). Crace holds a Caterpillar hat to present to Godfrey. 就职仪式于5月2日在李郡工业园区的工厂举行. 来自李县公立高中的16名学生被纳入该计划, which provides training for a career as a welder. The apprenticeship program is a collaboration of Caterpillar-桑福德,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,李县学校和N.C. Department of Labor.

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李县高中副校长马克·韦斯特(中)祝贺LCHS学生乔纳森 ... (more)

05.03.2013College & CommunityCurriculum ProgramsStudents/Graduates

桑福德——当卡特彼勒青年焊接学徒计划吸引了16名李县高中生时,对未来的兴奋就像焊枪一样白热化. 就职仪式于5月2日在李县工业园区的桑福德工厂举行.

"My interest in the program started last semester, when my guidance counselor told us about it," said Lee County High School student Jonathan Godfrey. “进入学徒计划对我来说是最好的事情. It's a great opportunity; I see it getting me places."

这个为期两年的项目是由卡特彼勒公司(Caterpillar Inc .)合作开发的.-桑福德,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,李县学校和N.C. Department of Labor. The NCDOL recognizes it as a registered youth apprenticeship, the second largest in the state, according to Charlene Cross, NCDOL apprenticeship representative.

“注册学徒是最好的工作经历,”克罗斯说. "With the skill sets they will end up with, they'll be extremely marketable in a variety of industries. Also, 卡特彼勒所做的就像一项公共服务——他们回馈社区的方式之一就是雇佣李县的年轻人."

该计划的目标是培养高中生的批判性, high-demand, well-paying careers in welding, 并帮助提供卡特彼勒和其他现代工业所需的熟练劳动力.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (, 2010年美国约有33.8万名焊工. 该机构预计,到2020年,还将需要约5.1万名护士.

学生们将在继续高中学业的同时,在推荐正规买球平台学习焊接相关课程. During their junior and senior years, 他们每周将在学院培训三天,在卡特彼勒-桑福德工作/培训两天. 卡特彼勒在学年期间为注册学生支付在其工厂工作/培训的费用. In addition, 学生在大三到大四的暑假期间,每周最多在卡特彼勒工作32个小时.

Upon completion of the program, graduates will have earned a Welding Certificate from the college and a certificate from the NCDOL indicating successful completion of the apprenticeship; completed the 80-hour Caterpillar Accelerated Training Program and hours toward their adult apprenticeship; and have two years experience as part-time Caterpillar employees.

“世界上没有多少人有这样的机会," Ellizon Torres, a Southern Lee High School student, 他一边等着被介绍给参加就职典礼的人,一边说. “我的朋友告诉我,这是一个很好的机会,会让我在未来受益匪浅. I want an education and a future career. I'm glad to be here."

学生们被一个接一个地介绍给观众, state and local government officials, and educators. They were congratulated, 然后收到了他们的官方卡特彼勒帽子和一个装有程序背景的袋子, orientation and apprenticeship employment information. Following the ceremony, 学生们和他们的家人参观了该设施, 该工厂于2011年开业,生产滑转向和其他类型的装载机.

"When I look at these kids, they'll be able to get valuable skills, find well-paying careers, build good lives, raise their own kids, pay taxes, 改善他们社区的经济和生活质量——没有什么比这更好的了," said Dr. Bud Marchant, 推荐正规买球平台 president.

那些被引入卡特彼勒青年焊接学徒计划的是邓肯·里德尔四世, Sir William Shoop, Tristian Dennis, Ivan Vilchis, Adan Renteria-Lascano, Jesse Moore, Kayla Coleman, Cody Baker, Gage Chambley, Sean Stitt, and Jonathan Godfrey, all of Lee County High School; and Ellizon Torres, Brandon Donathan, Christopher Baker, Noel Martinez and Joseph Matthews, all of Southern Lee High School.

"Education is economic development," Dr. LCS副总监安迪·布莱恩告诉入选者,然后补充说:“你们的未来就在现在. 你是整个州和全国的一个小团体的一部分. 互相支持,代表学校,做到最好."