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按此放大,  Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, 向学生和社区成员讲话4月29日在丹尼斯A. Wicker Civic Center at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Lee County Campus. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日 and Hauser spoke of her experiences in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration/extermination camp during World War II. 她所有的直系亲属都在大屠杀中被杀害. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日. 多年来她一直对自己的经历保持沉默, she now talks to groups to provide a voice for all those whose voices were silenced in Nazi extermination camps. 有关大屠杀幸存者发言人的更多信息, 联系教堂山-达勒姆大屠杀发言人局, www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问www.预备.edu.


Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, speaks to students and community members April 29 in ... (更多)

按此放大,  Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, 这是她在纳粹奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营接受的手臂纹身 concentration/extermination camp during World War II.  4月29日,她在丹尼斯A. Wicker Civic Center at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Lee County Campus. 她所有的直系亲属都在大屠杀中被杀害. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日. 多年来她一直对自己的经历保持沉默, she now talks to groups to provide a voice for all those whose voices were silenced in the extermination camps. 有关大屠杀幸存者发言人的更多信息, 联系教堂山-达勒姆大屠杀发言人局, www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问www.预备.edu.


Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, 这是她在纳粹奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营接受的手臂纹身 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道(右), 大屠杀幸存者, 得到了来自中央卡罗莱纳社区学院学生瑞秋·莫里斯的拥抱, 桑福德的, following Hauser's talk to an audience of students and community members about her experiences. She was interned at the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration/extermination camp during World War II.  豪泽于4月29日在丹尼斯A. 位于学院李县校区的柳条公民中心. 她所有的直系亲属都在大屠杀中被杀害. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日. 多年来她一直对自己的经历保持沉默, she now talks to groups to provide a voice for all those whose voices were silenced in the extermination camps. 有关大屠杀幸存者发言人的更多信息, 联系教堂山-达勒姆大屠杀发言人局, www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问www.预备.edu.


Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道(右), 大屠杀幸存者, 得到了中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的拥抱 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道(右), 大屠杀幸存者, 欢迎中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生尼古拉斯·斯诺沃特, 查塔姆县的, following Hauser's talk to an audience of students and community members about her experiences. She was interned at the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration/extermination camp during World War II.  豪泽于4月29日在丹尼斯A. 位于学院李县校区的柳条公民中心. 她所有的直系亲属都在大屠杀中被杀害. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日. 多年来她一直对自己的经历保持沉默, she now talks to groups to provide a voice for all those whose voices were silenced in the extermination camps. 有关大屠杀幸存者发言人的更多信息, 联系教堂山-达勒姆大屠杀发言人局, www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问www.预备.edu.


Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道(右), 大屠杀幸存者, 欢迎中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, 4月29日在丹尼斯A. Wicker Civic Center at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Lee County Campus. 4月28日是大屠杀纪念日 and Hauser spoke of her experiences in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration/extermination camp during World War II. 除了豪瑟的演讲, the Chapel Hill-Durham Holocaust Speakers Bureau displayed "Dr Seuss Goes to War," a collection of political cartoons created during World War II by Theordor Seuss Geisel, 著名的儿童作家. Geisel's cartoons denounce Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and are highly critical of those Americans who were opposed to entering World War II. For more information about the Chapel Hill-Durham Holocaust Speakers Bureau, visit    www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问www.预备.edu.


Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道, 大屠杀幸存者, spoke to students and community members April 29 in the ... (更多)

05.01.2014大学 & 社区大学一般

SANFORD - Rebecca Yomtov Hauser报道 was just 22 years old when Nazi soldiers pounded on the door of her family's home in the small town of Ioannina, 希腊.

那是1944年3月25日,逾越节前的星期六. The Hauser family was Jewish and the soldiers had come to round up the approximately 2,000 Jews in Ioannina and transport them to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration/extermination camp. 只有大约100人会回来.

World War II was raging and the Nazis were bent on carrying out their "Final Solution": the annihilation of European Jewry. 破坏, 历史上被称为大屠杀, 会夺走数百万犹太人和其他人的生命吗.

现在92, Hauser has only recently been speaking out about the horror she lived through almost 70 years ago - and the memories that have stayed with her since. 她的女儿, 豪泽邦妮, Sharon Halperin, 教堂山-达勒姆大屠杀发言人局的联合创始人, convinced her that she and other Holocaust survivors needed to tell their story to all who would listen. 现在他们的人数不多了,世界需要听到他们的声音. 豪瑟确信.


豪瑟斯和哈尔佩林夫妇在丹尼斯A. Wicker Civic Center at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Lee County Campus April 29 to tell her story, to provide a voice for all those whose voices were silenced in Nazi extermination camps.

4月28日是大屠杀纪念日. 根据大屠杀发言人局的网站, it is a day that has been set aside for remembering the victims of the Holocaust and for reminding Americans what can happen to civilized people when bigotry, 仇恨, 冷漠不受控制.

On that spring day in 1944, Hauser's family suspected nothing of their fate.

"My father assumed that we were being taken somewhere to be factory workers," Hauser recalled. “我们不知道会发生什么."

在拥挤的火车上坐了很长时间之后, 无窗货车, 他们到达了奥斯威辛-比克瑙, 在纳粹占领的波兰. 所有人都可以选择步行或乘坐卡车前往军营. Those who rode on trucks, including Hauser's father and mother, were never seen again.

It was only later that Hauser learned that all those who rode on the trucks had been murdered in mass gas chambers and their bodies burned in one of the camp's crematoriums. 他们宁愿骑马而不愿走路,这一事实本身就给他们留下了深刻的印象, 在纳粹的思想中, 因为他们不适合在营地做艰苦的劳动. 他们是消耗品.

欧洲1000万犹太人中有600万人死于大屠杀, 以及大约500万非犹太人, 包括智障人士, 罗马, 塞尔维亚人, 波兰人, 共产党人, 抵抗战士, 同性恋者, 其他人则视其为敌人, 劣质, 或不.

"We were sure we were all going to die," Hauser said of those at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Bianka Rhodes Stumpf, 推荐正规买球平台历史讲师, 安排豪瑟斯夫妇和哈尔佩林夫妇在学院演讲.

"Their coming allowed my students and other college and community participants to experience living history,斯顿夫说. “在我的历史课上, I try to distill such comprehensive topics like the Holocaust in ways that underscore the experiences of individuals - their sacrifices, 他们的力量, 他们的悲剧, 以及他们的胜利. 夫人. Hauser's story did just that - and did it better than any of us could ever do."

Stumpf said that Hauser's bearing witness to her experiences gave the audience an opportunity to see this particularly dark stain on history through the ideas of one person and not through a more distant textbook or course analysis.

"Genocide becomes more gripping and grim in this way and is a reality before you and not an abstraction from long ago and in a distant place,斯顿夫说."

Starvation, disease and hard labor formed the life of those in Auschwitz-Birkenau. 病得太重或伤得太重而不能工作就等于被判了死刑. The tattooed identification number Hauser still has on her arm is a constant reminder that the Nazis considered them less than human.

一年之后, 她被转移到卑尔根-贝尔森集中营, 1945年5月被英国军队解放. She was able to return home to Ioannina, but there was little there for her. 她的父母和三个兄弟都死于大屠杀.

In 1947, relatives in the United States sponsored her to immigrate to America on a student visa, 犹太难民和其他难民来美国的为数不多的途径之一.S. That same year, she met and married Manny Hauser and the couple had three children. 豪瑟目前居住在卡伯勒. The darkness of the Holocaust was something she didn't want to talk about for many years, 但现在与观众分享, 尤其是年轻人.

“我希望这种事永远不会再发生,”她说. “有些人知道大屠杀,但并不关心. 有些人想完成这项工作. 这让我很害怕. 我希望文明变得更聪明,避免这种情况. 我希望这是犹太人最后一次因为身为犹太人而受苦."

豪瑟给推荐正规买球平台的观众留下了深刻的印象,他们大多是年轻的历史系学生. 在起立鼓掌后,许多人排队向她致意并感谢她. 他们用手机和她合影, creating a lasting connection with someone who is passing on the torch of remembrance and warning to the rising generation.

“我喜欢听她的故事,瑞秋·莫里斯说, 桑福德的, 谁在这所大学获得副学士学位. “我认为听到第一手资料非常重要. People need to be educated of the possibility of something else happening, especially with the recent [killing of people at the Jewish Center] in Kansas."

除了豪瑟的演讲, 大屠杀演讲局展示了“苏斯博士参战”," a collection of political cartoons created during World War II by Theordor Seuss Geisel, 著名的儿童作家. Geisel's cartoons denounce Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and are highly critical of those Americans who were opposed to entering World War II.

For more information about the Chapel Hill-Durham Holocaust Speakers Bureau, visit www.holocaustspeakersbureau.org. 有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问 www.预备.edu.